Thank you Franchesca!

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Poem from Grandma

In Memory of Baby Jay
May 15th, 2008
How my heart leapt with Joy
At the news of a Grandbaby,
A Boy!!
Ten little fingers and ten little toes,
Would you have your fathers eyes
And your mothers nose?
In a flash we were shopping---There's so much to buy,
Blankets, bottles, clothes and toys
Nothings too good for Grandma's Boy.
Dreams of giggles and grins, kisses and hugs,
A precious bundle for Grandma to love!
The call woke us from our sleep
My world was destroyed in one fell sweep.
As I held you and looked at your angel face
I prayed to God's good grace;
"Send angels to care for my Grandson
Keep him safe and warm
Until Grandmas' days on earth are done."

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October 15th Video (Baby Jay is in this one)....


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